Author and About :- Aryan Dash and Debasish Halder are the students of NLU Odisha


In the dynamic world of messaging apps, WhatsApp is set to unleash a game-changing interoperability feature across platforms, spurred by Meta’s designation as a “Gatekeeper” under the Digital Markets Act (DMA). This move has ignited debates on the feasibility, regulatory impact, and user security of this transformative feature.

The DMA imposes tight deadlines for interoperability implementation, aiming to break the dominance of a few players in the text messaging industry. However, the integration poses a conundrum — striking a balance between interoperability and maintaining stringent security, encryption, and data privacy standards.

As legal complexities come to the forefront, the blog delves into the interplay between DMA, GDPR, and the EU Charter. It unravels the potential clash between swift interoperability mandates and the cherished principles of data protection. The narrative explores the responsibilities of Gatekeepers, potential anticompetitive pitfalls, and the role of regulators in fostering a secure digital landscape.

In this fast-evolving tech saga, we navigate the twists and turns, offering insights into the challenges, considerations, and potential solutions that accompany this paradigm shift in messaging technology.

The Digital Markets Act (DMA): Interoperability Mandates and Regulatory Framework

In the realm of contemporary jurisprudence governing digital markets, the introduction of the Digital Markets Act (DMA) heralds a paradigm shift in regulatory strategy, particularly concerning the imperative of fostering competition and innovation within the sphere of text messaging applications. Central to this legislative framework is the prescriptive mandate articulated in Article 7, which delineates a meticulous timeline for the deployment of interoperability services. These services, envisaged as instrumental in mitigating the dominance of incumbent platforms and affording nascent competitors equitable access, represent a pivotal step towards cultivating a more diversified and dynamic digital ecosystem.

However, the realization of interoperability within the parameters prescribed by the DMA engenders multifaceted legal and technological complexities. Foremost among these challenges is reconciling interoperability imperatives with the robust data protection regime epitomized by the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). While the DMA explicitly underscores the significance of upholding security and encryption standards, the attainment of seamless interoperability across heterogeneous platforms without imperilling user privacy poses a formidable conundrum.

Forensic scrutiny by cybersecurity experts underscores the inherent intricacies attendant to harmonizing encryption protocols across divergent messaging platforms. The sacrosanct principle of end-to-end encryption, emblematic of privacy preservation, emerges as a focal point of concern, with the risk of dilution looming large absent judicious oversight. Furthermore, the imperative of adhering to stringent interoperability timelines begets legitimate apprehensions regarding potential concessions vis-à-vis security imperatives.

In navigating this legal labyrinth, recourse to the normative compass enshrined within the corpus of the EU Charter assumes paramount significance, particularly Articles 7 and 8, which enshrine the sacrosanctity of personal data and privacy rights. The adjudication of legislative measures such as the DMA necessitates a scrupulous appraisal vis-à-vis these fundamental precepts. While the promotion of competitive dynamics within digital markets is an avowed objective, it must not transgress the hallowed precincts of privacy and data security.

However, it is imperative to adopt a nuanced legal perspective. Security, within the digital rubric, transcends mere encryption, encompassing a holistic appreciation of risk mitigation imperatives. Article 5 of the GDPR, which sanctions data processing under circumscribed conditions, furnishes a doctrinal lodestar in this evaluative calculus, provided it accords due deference to privacy prerogatives.

The odyssey toward interoperability must be characterized by a judicious blend of legal acumen and technological sagacity. While the DMA’s mandate for expeditious deployment sets a demanding tempo, the primacy of safeguarding user data and privacy rights remains inviolate. By threading this regulatory tightrope with circumspection and sagacity, lawmakers can navigate towards a more competitive, innovative, and, above all, legally compliant digital milieu.

Gatekeepers’ Responsibilities and Regulatory Oversight

The prospect of interoperability mandated by the DMA presents a fascinating confluence of technological innovation, regulatory imperative, and corporate responsibility. As Gatekeepers such as Meta navigate the intricate landscape of messaging integration, it becomes increasingly apparent that success hinges on a multifaceted approach that addresses technical and regulatory challenges. At the heart of this endeavour lies the delicate balance between security, competition, and user privacy. Gatekeepers must tread carefully, ensuring that the pursuit of interoperability does not come at the expense of robust security measures or fair market practices. This necessitates a nuanced understanding of encryption protocols, data handling practices, and regulatory obligations. Moreover, the journey towards interoperability offers an opportunity to reevaluate prevailing norms and paradigms in data governance. By embracing principles of privacy by design and user-centricity, Gatekeepers can foster a culture of trust and empowerment, wherein individuals retain control over their personal data and digital interactions.

Global Considerations and Implementation Challenges

However, at the same time, these Gatekeepers shall not be entitled to indulge in anticompetitive behaviours to oust other applications simply citing failure to uphold security standards hence the regulatory bodies need to step up and play an equal role in the determination of the breaches if any at all. Another potential possibility could be the adoption of a global uniform encryption standard by all the cross-messaging platforms for easier implementation of the DMA regulation however given the strict timelines envisaged by the Act it isn’t cost-effective for the Gatekeepers to bring all apps into the ambit one cryptographic standard. Therefore, it appears that for the time being different levels of encryption will be applicable in cases of cross-platform messaging which would be distinct from the messages received or sent to users of the core application thereby being present in a separate section of the application’s interface which would again affect the user experience.


The Digital Markets Act (DMA) has thrust Gatekeepers like Meta into a pivotal moment in messaging technology. Striking a balance between meeting regulatory deadlines and safeguarding user data and security is now their paramount challenge.

In this intricate landscape, juggling the imperatives of competition, privacy, and security within the DMA’s tight timelines is no easy feat. It requires careful navigation through the maze of GDPR standards and EU Charter rights.

Gatekeepers must remain vigilant against unfair market practices and welcome regulatory oversight to ensure a level playing field. While a universal encryption standard could streamline the process, its feasibility within the DMA’s deadlines is uncertain.

Above all, prioritizing user privacy and data security throughout this journey is non-negotiable. By embracing principles like privacy by design and putting users at the center, Gatekeepers can build trust and empower individuals to control their digital interactions.

In essence, achieving interoperability poses its challenges, but with collaborative efforts and strategic thinking, we can forge a more competitive, innovative, and legally compliant digital realm. Navigating this path with care and foresight will ultimately lead to interconnected messaging technology that respects and upholds user rights and freedoms.

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